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Showing posts from July, 2023

The Lack of Leadership and The Ensuing Chaos In An Organization

Have you been a member of an organization that lacks the leadership necessary to maintain order and set the direction of a group of like-minded individuals? Here is an example of how a lack of leadership can create chaos: A local club or organization is trying to rebuild after two years of a devastating pandemic and the leader is incompetent in their ability to make the decisions necessary to bring the club back to it's pre-pandemic standing. The club members end up arguing with the leader which descends into chaos, and violence erupts. Leadership is essential for any group or organization that wants to be successful. A good leader provides direction, sets goals, and motivates people to work together. However, what happens when there is no leader or one that is fairly incompetent in leading? When there is a lack of leadership , chaos can quickly ensue. People start to look out for themselves, and there is no one to make decisions or resolve conflicts. This can lead to confusion, i...

The Freedom to Fail, Even In Competition

A real learning environment exists where there is freedom to fail. In fact, I would argue that it is essential for real learning to take place. When students are afraid to fail, they are less likely to take risks and try new things. This can prevent them from learning and growing. The Carolina Shag dance is a social dance that originated in the Carolinas in the 1940s. It is characterized by its smooth, flowing movements and its upbeat, rhythm and blues music. Shag dance competitions are a great way to test your skills and have fun with friends. However, they can also be intimidating for those who are new to the dance. The freedom to fail is an important part of shag dance competition. Everyone makes mistakes, and it is important to learn from them and move on. In fact, some of the best shag dancers are those who have learned to embrace failure and use it as an opportunity to grow. If you are thinking about entering a shag dance competition, I encourage you to do it! It is a great way ...