Playing with less skilled players can be a rewarding experience for both you and the other players. It's a great way to improve your teaching skills, be a positive role model, build camaraderie, and have fun! All of these are the goals of most recreational sports programs. As players begin to attain more skill in this environment, they tend to move around, and away from less skilled players in search of what they consider are better games or a more engaging experience. In the process m ore skilled players, in any recreational sport, can inadvertently set up a pass/fail environment when choosing teammates or opponents. These actions can inhibit the creation of a more inclusive and enjoyable gaming environment for everyone. There are a few reasons why more skilled players might do this. The desire to win - They may feel that they have a better chance of winning if they choose teammates who are also skilled, and they may feel that they have a better chance of winning if they avoid c...
We are dancers, Carolina Shag & Swing, and eat plant-based and love to share our passion for both. We will write about our experiences as dancers, the plant-based lifestyle, and mixing the two. Join us on this journey!