My wife and I get out quite a bit and really enjoy good music of all types. There are those nights that are complete misses, where nothing clicks, you wrap up and go home after a short time out. Then there are those nights where the band, crowd and venue all agree and compliment each other perfectly. You find yourself immersed in an other-worldly experience. One that causes you to lose yourself in the moment and, many times, ending the night at an unusually late hour having had a completely wonderful time. Then there is the RVA Music Trifecta ! A night when 3 great bands are playing at 3 great venues and are arranged in a way that you can get to see them all in the course of one night. This can be a truly fun experience and is what I refer to as an RVA Music Trifecta. We experienced our first RVA Music Trifecta was on a Friday night in February where we caught Andy Poxon ( Capital Ale House ), Doctors of Jazz ( Rose Marie Inn ) and finished with Barrelhouse ( Home Team G...
We are dancers, Carolina Shag & Swing, and eat plant-based and love to share our passion for both. We will write about our experiences as dancers, the plant-based lifestyle, and mixing the two. Join us on this journey!